Friday, July 9, 2010

Foof for thought

I'm not used to eat the amout of food that I have been given at the UNT. In Mexico I usually eat cereal early at the morning and late at night. And I have a meal around 3 pm. That's a lot for me!

Here in Texas I have a kind of strong meal before 9 am. Some more before 2 pm and the strongest before 7 pm. Obviuously I have to go to the gym after that. Half an hour in the pool and some spinning doesn't damage anybody though!


  1. Can't you still have cereal for breakfast?
    I hope are enjoying the food there
    Good to hear you are going to the gym and swimming, but what is this spinning?

  2. I'm glad that you are using the gym...have you floated yet?

  3. Spinning is indoor cycling -well, at least in Mexico :P-

    I'm floating due to the amount of food I'm eating hehehehe

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